Sunday, January 17, 2010

Literature Holiday assignment

Story: Evening Under Frangipani

Internal Conflicts

· Internal conflicts :Prakash is having intense fear about the interview and showing physical sighs ( pg 47,first paragraph)

· Internal conflict: Elaine cursed about her foolishness and also Prakash

(pg 58)

External conflicts

· External conflicts :Elaine is talking a issue of marriage that imposed by the society (pg49)


· When Prakesh jokes about Elaine’s father (pg 62 to pg 63)


· Open Ended



  • He is a nervous-wreck (during job interview , pg 47)

  • He is competent (pg 48-49)


  • She is a feminist (pg49-50)

  • She is caring (pg 53)

3)Elaine’s father

  • He care more about his collection of insect rather than his own family (pg 55)

  • He is passionate about insects (pg 55)

The most interesting segment is when Prakesh goes for first interview at the starting of the story. Prakesh start to feel uncomfortable and start to sweat a lot, making his whole body feel sweaty.

Story: Lee

External Conflicts

· External Conflict: Lee and her father argue about her walkman matter (pg 87,line 10 to line 14)

· External conflict between lee and her father (pg 91, line 7 to line 15)

Internal conflict

· Internal Conflict :Lee asked her father why he never wrote (pg 91,line 1)


· When Lee’s father found lee and Holden Mankiewicz in his bedroom (pg 103)


· Complete resolution



  • She likes music a lot ( listens to music wherever she goes (pg 87,line 10 to line 12)

  • She is a sarcastic person the way she talks to he father (pg 87, first paragraph)

  • She also a healthy person (pg 91,last second paragraph)

  • She also quite a rude person (Pg 90, line 17 )

2)Lee’s father

  • He got jealous easily when Lee talked about piscopo, (pg88,last paragraph)

· He does not like to pay attention (pg 98,line12)


  • He didn’t feel up to the responsibilities of fatherhood (pg 89,line 7)

· He dresses like a trucker(pg 89,second paragraph)

  • He sometimes get a bit of a pretentious creep(pg 89,second paragraph, last line)

The most interesting segment is when Lee visited her grandmother during a family reunion. Which made her grandmother very happy to see her, and Lee talked about everything she did in her country.

Story: Release

External Conflicts

· External conflict :Between Eileen and her new neighbour (pg 139, last paragraph )

· External conflict :Between Eileen and her husband (pg 140, last few lines to pg 141, first paragraph)

· External conflict: Between Eileen and her neighbour (pg 141,line 15 to line 23)


· It is when the puppies started whining and whimper in the night (pg 143,last line)


· Ironic resolution



  • She is friendly person ( pg 139, first paragraph )

· She is also forgetful person (pg 141, line 1 to line 9)

· She also a persistent person (pg 143 ,line 1 to line 13 )


  • He listen to his wife (pg 142,line 1 to line 6)

  • He finds work more important than his gardens matters (pg 145, line 7 to line 12)


(Wife and husband)

  • She is a impatient person (pg 139,line 18)

· She also very rude person the way she speak about Eileen (pg 139, line 19 to line 21)

  • She and her husband talk rude word to Eileen, (the wife, pg 140 ) and (her husband, pg 142)

The most interesting segment is when Eileen told the man to move the kennel to another side. So that she and her baby can finally get some sleep but the man mistaken what she said and killed the puppies with the spanner. Eileen was shocked and her heart froze.

Story: Pastime

Internal Conflicts

  • Mr Lee and himself ( he thought that Tai Poh has stop telling the story but he just keep quite to himself, pg 215)i
  • The man in the Tai Poh’s story that the man do nit have the courage to go to the woman ( the man finds it difficult to go to the woman and ask the question that he wants to know, pg 216)

External confict

· Mr Lee and Tai Poh ( they were telling each other stories and suddenly Mr Lee asked if they were still friends, pg 217)


When Mr Lee tell Tai Poh the second story( pg 218)


Complete resolution

Mr Lee finishes his story as they reaches the last station line (pg 220)


Tai Poh

· He is old( he said that old man like him do not do much, pg 212)

· He is a storyteller ( he made up stories about a lot of things, pg 212)

· He is considerate ( he did not disturb or talk to other passenger, pg 212)

Mr Lee

· He is a good listener (he listen to Tai Poh’s story attentively, pg 213)

· He is sarcastic ( he suddenly ask Tai Poh if they were still friend, pg 217)

The most interesting segment is when Tai Poh suddenly stopped telling Mr Lee the story and saw the fat pink scar on the back of Tai Poh’s head.

Story: An Obituary for Fifth Aunt Come Late

Internal Conflicts

Internal conflicts

· Author and herself ( she regretted that she does remember her Aunt better, pg 150)


External conflicts

· The grown-up and Aunt ( they do want their children to know their Aunt, pg 149)

· Author’s grandmother and her aunties (grew up in neglect. Favour the boys more, pg 151-152)


When the war came ( pg 156)




· She is timid ( spoke did so in rat-a-tat fashion, spewing out words that were closely guarded, in a loud but uncertain voice, pg 150)

· She get panic easily ( could calm herself with a trip to the kitchen sink, plowing her hand into dishes and dish-soiled water, pg 150)

· She is literate (

· She is hardworking ( pg 157)


· She is mean ( she does not want to make it a point that she is a her niece, pg 149)

· She is judgmental ( she likes to judge her Aunt by listening to other people, pg 159)

The most interesting segment is when Aunt became a daughter again, the Fifth Sister and the Fifth Aunt. They had a small ceremony to welcome. It seems that they reunited again after many years.

Story: A History of Tea

Internal Conflicts

· Author and herself ( when the car was going along the old lane, she found it similar enough to conjure her memory, pg113)

· Beverly and herself (even though she had meet Tien Yee before, she cannot remember when they meet for the second time , pg 115)


External conflicts

· Grandmother and Uncle Raja ( grandmother does not like Uncle Raja because he ‘stole’ her beautiful daughter, pg 111)

· Grandmother and Aunt Sherrie (even on her deathbed, grandmother does not want to forgive Aunt Sherrie, pg 115


When Reginald Jones died in a shipwreck in World war two, pg 117


Open ended resolution.



(Tien Yee)

· She is poor (just tall mug with blue on white bamboo pattern and cover to help it brew, beaded on its underside with water, pg 109)

· She is look at Beverly very detail ( pg 109)

· She is very curious about her family (


· She is racist ( in grandmother’s eye, Uncle Raja (black man) stole her daughter ( white woman) pg 111)

· She is mean and harsh ( she create story that Uncle Raja is the evil oily man , pg 112)

· She is stubborn ( she does not want to forgive Aunt Sherrie, pg 115)


· She is rich ( trimmed at the top and base in a blue and gold pattern – Japanese imitating Royal Doultan pg 109)

· She is boastful ( she say that she studies nineteenth and twenties centuries Chinese history and then take a sip of tea, pg 111)

· She is ungrateful ( she wants to be independent but she say that Tien Yee’s family always controlling her and look after her, pg 112)

· She is ambitious ( she plan to study in Oxford or Cambridge , pg 114)

The most interesting segment is when Beverly told the author that she wanted to get engaged with a guy that she met in Oxford but her parents did not allow this relationship because of his religion being Jewish.


  1. nice way you've done your points. Even its in key points, I can fully understand what the different stories have to say. The conflicts and climax as well as the resolutions are precise enough and detailed. I like the way you wrote your points =D

  2. I like the way you write about the points and the way you answer the questions. Evidence is given and supported nicely. I can fully understand what was the conflict and climax as well as the resolution through your points. Points are precise enough so that the reader would not get lost when reading.

  3. Good blog but I have lack of understanding on what the sources you give. there could be more improvements in the sources and explanation. Different conflicts can be given . Great blog, BYE

  4. you have done it quite well as its complete with all the vidence. good job

  5. After i have read your blog, i think that your blog is very good and can even be considered a model blog. You were able to give many examples that were very good and you were able to give the page numbers to support your evidence. Overall i think that your blog is very good

